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11:07 a.m. - 2007-04-15
A 43% vain margarita jelly bean called Venus Vegas
According to the Blogthings test..

My famous last words will be: "I can pass this guy."
I drive 45% like a guy, 55% like a girl. (hence the famous last words)
My girl pants are named Bermuda Triangle. (does this mean: "dangerous area, don't go near"?)
I could maybe be a vegetarian.
Men see me as understated.
My porn star name is Venus Vegas.
My exotic dancer name is Winter. (cold as fuck - haha, aren't I funny..)
My French name is H�l�ne Blanc.
I'm 23% American.
I'm 33% Leo.
I'm 43% vain.
If I was a soda, I'd be diet coke.
If I was an alcoholic drink, I'd be a bloody mary.
If I was a margarita, I'd be a lime margarita.
If I was a finger, I'd be the index finger.
If I was a jelly bean, I'd be a margarita jelly bean.
If I was a superhero, I'd be Elektra.
If I was coffee, I'd be black coffee.

Man, I know myself so much better now. Thanks Blogthings! So, from now on you can forget about Pearl, just call me Venus Vegas or Winter. And don't come near when I'm driving a car. Le sigh. Though I wouldn't mind being Elektra. A superheroine.

I finally started reading Candace Bushnell's 'Trading Up' yesterday. Oh God, how Janey annoys me! She's such a superficial little creature whose life (most of the time) evolves around men and being a Victoria's Secret lingerie model and climbing up the social ladder. Okay, that's what most chick lit heroines do, but they have soul. They aren't as superficial as Janey is, at the end of the day they know what counts in life, what really matters. Everything Janey does is planned to get her higher in the picking order, like when she hugged and cuddled Jack (George Paxton's kid from his previous marriage) at the polo game just to make Zizi (the amazingly gorgeous polo player from Argentina) think she's got wife potential, even if Zizi is clearly more interested in Janey's "friend", Mimi (Paxton's second wife), and actually having an affair with her. Sheesh..

But the book is still so good that I can't stop reading it, because no matter how superficial Janey is, I need to know if she learns her lesson or not. Candace Bushnell really knows how to write chick lit!

Besides, the book helps me escape the real world where I've been a bit sad during the couple of past days. Even mum noticed it when we were talking last night in MSN (well no shit, Sherlock, the webcam was on). I don't know what's with me because it most definitely can't be PMS. It can't be because of Finland either because the puppy thing is settled, the breeder will take Nessu to her place for three weeks and I'll get him when I return to Finland in July.

Watching Heroes made me happier (thanks to E). Have you seen it? If you haven't, you should. You really really should.



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